Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
UHI Perth is committed to equality of opportunity and non-discrimination in all aspects of work and study. We recognise that individually we all have differences of some sort, which we can share and learn from. The broader a range of people we employ, the wider a perspective we can adopt; a diverse workforce not only ensures that we are legally compliant, but makes good business sense.
As a provider of education and employment, UHI Perth values diversity and is committed to encouraging everyone to realise their full potential. To this end, UHI Perth continues to work with students, staff, trade unions, external agencies and the wider community to develop a positive and enabling culture of work and study.
As a publicly funded organisation UHI Perth has a statutory duty to fulfil both General and Specific Public Sector Equality Duties under the Equality Act (2010).
The specific duties on UHI Perth require us to:
The General Duties direct the way the UHI Perth treats its staff, students and visitors and reflect all UK public bodies’ responsibility to:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other prohibited conduct.
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not.
- Foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not.
The Specific Duties require us to:
- Report progress on mainstreaming the equality duty
- Publish equality outcomes and report progress
- Assess and review policies and practices (complete Equality Impact Assessment)
- Gather and use employee informationPublish gender pay gap information
- Publish statements on equal pay, etc.
- Consider award criteria and conditions in relation to public procurement
- Publish in a manner that is accessible, etc.
- Consider other matters
The reports below are our response to these specific duties:
- Annual employee information 2016-17
- Equal pay statement 2017
- Equality Mainstreaming 2017
- Equality Outcomes 2017-2021
- Gender action plan
- Equal pay statement 2019
- Mainstreaming report 2019
- Gender Pay Gap Report 2021
- Mainstreaming Equality, Equality Outcomes, and Workforce and Students Profile 2021
- Anti Racism Action Plan 2021
- Gender Pay Gap Report 2022
- Mainstreaming Equality, Equality Outcomes and Workforce and student profile 2023
- Pay Gap Report 2024
- Gender Equality Plan 2024
- British Sign Language Plan 2024-2030