Class 4: what we spend and how we spend it
Where information is held, this area contains:
- Financial statements
- Policy and procedure for budgetary allocations.
- Summary of allocations to major budgetary units
- Insurance policies
- Institutional endowments and investments.
(See Air Service Training) - Major external capital and external funding, e.g ESF and ERD funding
(No information held at present) - Expenses policies and procedures
- Senior staff expenses
- Board member remuneration
(Board members are volunteers and are only entitled to claim reasonable, out of pocket expenses) - Pay and grading structures
- Salary awards, bonuses and staff benefits
- Funding awards made by the College and how to apply
(See Financial Statements, final page)
The College insurance brokers are Gallaghers. We are covered for Property Damage, Business Interruption, Contract Works, Money, Computer, Public and Products Liability, Employers Liability, Commercial Crime, Professional Indemnity, Motor, Engineering, Personal Accident, Travel insurance.