Education Support Assistance PDA

What is special about this course?

This course aims to provide a qualification for those who are currently employed as an Education Support Assistant or those who would like to take on that role.

It will enable you to develop the specific skills of an Education Support Assistant and to develop knowledge of issues associated with children and young people in educational settings.

It also provides you with a deeper knowledge of Additional Support Needs across a broad spectrum of specific needs and disabilities.

The course includes a work experience element which can be completed either in your workplace if you are currently employed in an educational setting or through volunteer work in a similar role.

Entry requirements

There are no specific entry requirements but you will be asked to come for an interview. 

A particular feature of the award is the requirement for students to be either employed or to have a period of workplace practice experience in an educational setting to enable them to meet the requirements of units related to supporting children and young people in an educational setting and to develop their practice in an educational setting.

You study units which include:

  • Supporting the Development of Children and Young People from Birth to Eighteen Years;
  • Supporting the Behaviour of Children and Young People;
  • Supporting Children and Young People in an Educational Setting;
  • Supporting Children and Young People  who require Additional Support for Learning;
  • Supporting Language, Literacy and Numeracy in an Educational Setting
  • Professional Practice in an Educational Setting (which is based on work experience)

How will I study my course?

  • Evening

Face to face

How long will my course last?

1 Year

One evening per week

Where can I study my course?

    • UHI Perth

Start date

September 2023


£688 (8 FE units)

What can I do on completion of my course?

You may progress on to an NC or HNC in Early Education and Childcare or an SVQ in Children's Care Learning and Development, subject to interview.

You can register as a support worker with the Scottish Social Services Council in a variety of early education, childcare and play settings. 

It is also the preferred qualification for the Local Authority for those working in a support role in the classroom.

Is there more information available online?

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Apply for Education Support Assistance PDA

I want to start in 2025/26

We are delighted that you are thinking about studying at Perth College UHI. Perth College UHI operates a fair and open admissions system committed to equality of opportunity and non-discrimination. We consider all applications on merit and on the basis of ability to achieve, without discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity status, race, religion and/or belief, sex, sexual orientation or socio-economic background. We welcome applications from all prospective students and aim to provide appropriate and efficient services to students with disabilities.