Nepal Earthquake flash crowd at Scone Airport this Thursday

Scone Airport to host flash crowd event this Thursday 14th May at Scone Airport at 6.30 - 7.30 to support Nepal.

Susie Munro the Event Co-ordinator explains, “This is in its own way to replace the rather frustrating feeling many of us have had where you want to get out to Nepal and start moving rubble with your bare hands - Instead this is a way of physically demonstrating that we want to keep Nepal in the news - it has been rather buried lately. Any help to pass the word would be hugely appreciated. The airport have donated us a helicopter for the event and their full backing.”

Funds raised are to go to the Gurkha Welfare Trust and The Bulldog Trust Earthquake relief.

When: Thursday 14th May 6.30 – 7.30pm

Why: Your presence is needed! Please come and bring family and friends. We want to help the earthquake victims and can do so by being the ‘flash crowd’ at a cool location!

How: Arrive at the main car park at Scone Airport next to the control tower by 6.30pm. Collect an envelope, write your name and contact e-mail address on it – put some money in it (no amount too small and IOU’s accepted!) – put envelope in ‘the box’.

Because: The person whose name is on the envelope drawn at 7.00pm goes up in the helicopter with the pilot to take our ‘Namaste Nepal’ photo.

As the chopper launches wave like mad! This ‘Namaste Nepal’ photo is to put Nepal back in the news.

Finally: Please be punctual! The envelope will be drawn at 7.00pm and the helicopter will launch immediately afterwards.

Enormous thanks to: Morris Leslie Group, ACS Aviation Ltd, The Scottish Aero Club and Kingsfield Helicopters. Without this collarborative effort this event would not be possible.

Funds raised are to go to the Gurkha Welfare Trust and The Bulldog Trust Earthquake relief.

Check out the event Facebook page, open to all: