Update on national negotiations

Due to a breakthrough in national negotiation talks, the strike action scheduled for 23, 24 and 25 May has been suspended.

College employers and the EIS have today reached a settlement which will see industrial action suspended immediately. Commenting after today’s talks with the EIS, a spokesperson for the Colleges Scotland Employers’ Association said: “We are pleased that we’ve reached an agreement, subject to ratification, which not only means an end to the strikes but also, crucially, ensures that colleges can return to business as usual. This is a positive step forward for everyone involved.”

We regret the inconvenience and worry caused to students and customers of the College and will plan to ensure that students have in place arrangements to complete their course. Students should contact their PAT in the first instance in respect of any concerns about completion. Any students who still have concerns or queries should email completion.perth@uhi.ac.uk as soon as possible. Other customers should contact their normal contact within the College for an update around any necessary rescheduled business.

Margaret Munckton
Principal and Chief Executive