Exam results support and advice

Perth College UHI staff are on hand to give tailored advice on next steps for those receiving their exam results on Tuesday 7 August.

They will be in St John’s Shopping Centre, Perth on Tuesday 7; Wednesday 8 and Saturday 11 August, 9am-4.30pm. Drop-in advice sessions will take place at the Crieff Road campus on Tuesday 7 August, 3-6pm.

There are places available on a variety of courses starting this September including: Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; Humanities and Social Sciences; Construction; Beauty Therapy; Science; Early Education and Childcare; Hairdressing; Sport and Fitness; Food Studies and Hospitality; Creative Industries; Music and Music Business; Sound and Audio Engineering; and Automotive Engineering.

Those unable to attend the drop-in sessions are encouraged to call the results helpline on 0345 270 1177 or email pc.admissions.perth@uhi.ac.uk