Passport to Childcare


close up of childcare materials

Attendance Pattern Duration SCQF Level Year Group Location
Monday 2.10pm - 3.40pm 1 year 4  S4 (Perth High School) UHI Perth
About this course content

About this course

About this course

This course offers a broad link to the care, learning and development of children aged 0-12 years as specified in the National Occupational Standards. It is concerned with the holistic study of the child. This includes ‘the domestic setting and all environments whose practice is guided by legislation, policy and professional ethics as well as investigating the roles and responsibilities of parenthood’.

Course content content

Course content

Course content

• Child Development

• Care of Children

• Practical Play

Entry requirements content

Entry requirements

Entry requirements

Open to S4 pupils. Students should have completed their broad general education and have made their intentions clear to their guidance teacher.

Course Progression content

Course Progression

Course Progression

Once you have completed this course you may be able to progress onto another Schools College Partnership Course or a full-time course at UHI Perth. The entry requirements for these are specified within each course. You can see all our full time Early Education and Childcare courses here.