NPA Sport and Fitness: Outdoor Sport


students carry a canoe

Attendance Pattern Location Duration SCQF Level Year Group
Friday 10am-4pm UHI Perth (majority of activities will take place off campus) 1 year 5 S4/S5/S6
About this course content

About this course

About this course

This course is a National Progression Award and will be particularly interesting for anyone who is passionate about outdoor activities, such as climbing, kayaking, paddleboarding, canoeing, orienteering, mountain biking, hillwalking etc. 

Choosing this course will help you develop your personal skill level in the sports themselves as well as the knowledge in how to plan, lead and review activity sessions as part of a team.  It will also build your confidence and proficiency within a range of outdoor sports and help develop future skills such as; teamwork, communication, problem solving, timekeeping and leadership. 

This course will be physically demanding, and success will be partially dependant on logged attendance during activities.  If you don’t log enough practical activity you cannot pass.

Course content content

Course content

Course content

This NPA is made up of 3 SQA units; 

Sport and Fitness: Coaching Development unit which is a mandatory unit and then 2 outdoor sport units (1 in sporting participation and performance and 1 in sport officiating and organising).   

Students must complete a minimum number of 20 hours in the chosen sport to complete the NPA award alongside the units above. 

Entry requirements content

Entry requirements

Entry requirements

Ability to work at SCQF level 5, students must be physically fit and capable of taking part in strenuous activity.  Prior experience of any outdoor sport (hillwalking, kayaking etc would be advantageous).

Course progression content

Course progression

Course progression

Once you have completed this course you may be able to progress onto another Schools College Partnership Course or a full-time course at UHI Perth. The entry requirements for these are specified within each course. You can see all our full time Sport and Fitness courses here.