Emergency Support and Local Contacts


Spectrum.Life - You may feel at a crisis point or are just feeling a bit rubbish and need to offload.
You can access a 24/7 out of hours mental health support line via Spectrum.Life or via the phone:
Phone: 0800 031 8227​ - Text ‘Hi’ to WhatsApp or SMS: 07418 360780

The UHI Health and Wellbeing page on Facebook can give you lots of helpful tips and advice about managing your mental wellbeing during this time.

Samaritans provide confidential, non-judgemental support – 24 hour service. Call: 116 123

SHOUT Crisis Text Line. Text Shout to 85258
Do you need help now? This crisis messenger text service provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need support, you can text SHOUT to 85258

Breathing Space is a free, confidential phone service for anyone experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety. Call: 0800 83 85 87

NHS Tayside Support Services

Download the UHI list of support helplines



If you are self isolating at home, you may wish to use the time spent at home to learn a new skill – why not try Mindfulness?

Emergency crisis mental health support - If someone is in immediate danger call 999.

If the crisis is not life threatening, call NHS 24 on 111.

The Neuk is a is a Mental Health Crisis Hub Located in Perth City Centre.
18 St Pauls Square

The Lighthouse supports people aged 12+ dealing wit suicidal thoughts, self harm and emotional distress. Call - 0800 121 4820 - https://lighthouseforperth.org

Andys Man Club are a peer support group for men dealing with mental health issues. Contact: info@andysmanclub.org

Womens Wellbeing Club are a peer support group for women dealing with mental health issues. Visit: www.womenswellbeingclub.co.uk

Cool2Talk – A safe space for young people age 12 and over 24hr Q&A site for 13-25 year olds