Is there a deadline to apply?
There is no deadline date to apply for a Further Education course. We recommend that you apply as early as possible as delaying your application may result in you being offered a place on a reserve list.
However there are deadline dates for Higher Education courses - view them here.
Courses for Further Education follow the same admissions cycle dates as Higher Education.
How soon will I hear about my application?
You should hear back from us within 3-5 working days. Your application will either be acknowledged or you will receive an interview date. In some instances a decision will be made based on your application.
Can I apply for more than one course?
Yes, however if you apply for more than two courses we will ask our Guidance and Adviser to contact you for career guidance.
Do I apply through UCAS?
Yes, for Higher Education courses only (HNC, HND or Degree). All applications for undergraduate full-time degree study should be made through UCAS.
Applications for postgraduate or part-time study should be made directly to UHI Perth.
You can apply for an HNC or HND directly to the College as long as you are not applying through UCAS to other institutions. Where this is the case, your UHI HNC/D application should be included as one of your UCAS options.
Please ensure that you also enter the correct campus code for the location at which you wish to study; individual campus codes are listed on the page under Where you can study. See more information about the different UHI campuses.
Visit the UCAS website for additional help and information on completing your application through UCAS.
What is UCAS Extra?
If you've used all five choices and you're not holding any offers, find out about the Extra service.
What is a Contextualised Application?
Find out more about Contextualised Admissions.
I have got my results, what do I do now?
If you have achieved the results and met the conditions for entry, we will be able to provide you with an unconditional offer, please send a copy these to us as soon as possible.
I did not get the required results, what do I do now?
If you haven’t achieved the results you were expecting, don’t panic. Please call us on 01738 87700 to discuss your options.
Can I apply for RPL or Credit Transfer?
Find out if you are eligible for recognition of prior learning or credit transfer.
When do the courses start?
Student Life - College calendar (uhi.ac.uk)
I have made a late application
Applicants who apply late August early September should be aware that decisions regarding places being available on a course can change hourly. You may have been asked to complete a task or provide further information. This does not guarantee you a place on the course. Follow up communication will then confirm if an offer can be made or where the course is full, a reserve place may be available should vacancies occur. (see below).
This is the unfortunate situation when you apply late in the application cycle or after the start of term.
If I am on the reserve list, when will I know if I have a place?
There is no timescale, you are on the reserve list because the course is full. If a place becomes available, then we will contact you as soon as possible. If you have not heard from us within 4-6 weeks of the course starting then it is unlikely that you will be offered a place. Please re-apply early for the next years intake.
How much will my course cost?
- See information on Further Education course (Access, NQ, NC etc) fees and funding.
- See information on Higher Education course (HNC/D Degrees etc) fees and funding.
What is a Top Up Degree?
A Top Up Degrees is a degree course we offer from year 2 onwards, year one being an HNC or from year 3 onwards, years one and two being an HND.
Where is the UHI Perth?
I am having problems applying online
We ask everyone to apply online. If you are having problems, please contact our Servicedesk or contact Admissions on 01738 877000.
I have changed my personal details after submitting my application
Please complete the Change to application details form to update your details.
What will you do with my data?
Please see our Privacy Notices:
Application Questions in Your Own Language
Click here to translate the application questions.
If you have not found the answer to your Admissions query we would welcome your feedback to pc.admissions.perth@uhi.ac.uk