Archived events


A forum held at Perth Concert Hall on 5 & 6 October 2021


‘Challenging Upland Futures’ was a public forum with the aim, agreed by a range of diverse stakeholders:

  • to integrate knowledge and understanding on the uplands of Scotland, and to agree priority actions to help ensure that our uplands deliver the widest possible range of benefits. 


Participants represented the wide diversity of stakeholders living in, and concerned with, the uplands of Scotland.

Appalachian Mountains: Place, Pedagogy, and Parallels to other Mountain Regions content

Appalachian Mountains: Place, Pedagogy, and Parallels to other Mountain Regions

Appalachian Mountains: Place, Pedagogy, and Parallels to other Mountain Regions

Monday 12 December 2022: 1300 - 1400
Online and in person (UHI Perth)

Presenter: Katherine E. Ledford of the Appalachian State University

This talk will introduce attendees to the Appalachian Mountains in the United States and to the academic field of Appalachian studies, paying special attention to how scholarship about these mountains is used across the region in higher education classrooms and communities. The talk concludes with an examination of Appalachia's connections to other mountain regions around the world.  

When registering, please choose either an online or in person ticket


Katherine E. Ledford is a professor of Appalachian Studies at Appalachian State University, North Carolina.  She teaches courses in Appalachian literature, mountain literature, comparative mountain studies, and higher education pedagogy. She also has an important role in fostering communication between Appalachian studies academics and mountain studies academics around the world.

This talk will be an excellent opportunity for UHI students, lecturers and researchers to learn more about a fascinating area of scholarship and explore possible connections between the Appalachian mountains and Scottish Highlands. 

katherine standing in front of a mountain with snow