Dr Rosalind Bryce

Director, Centre for Mountain Studies content

Director, Centre for Mountain Studies


  • Associate Professor in Sustainability Science
  • Programme Leader: MSc Sustainable Mountain Development
  • Module Leader on MSc Sustainable Studies


  • PhD in Ecology, University of Aberdeen (NERC CASE studentship with CEH Banchory): The role of water voles as ecosystem engineers: species loss and ecosystem processes
  • BSc Hons in Zoology, University of Glasgow


Teaching subjects

  • Global Mountain Geographies
  • Sustainable Deer Management

rosalind outside in the woods


Technical/Research interests

  • View Rosalind's PURE Profile
  • The influence of social factors, such as values, motivations and social networks on decision making and responses to environmental problems.
  • Improving the integration of cultural ecosystem services into environmental decision making
  • Understanding how environmental research evidence is used in policy and practice
  • Integrated land use
  • Invasive species management
  • Ecosystem engineering

Employment history

  • Joined the Centre for Mountain studies in January 2014 as a researcher.
  • Background in Ecology, her research interests span the natural and social sciences and she has often worked with interdisciplinary research teams.
  • Much of her work on biodiversity, ecosystem engineering and invasive species management has been conducted in the Scottish uplands and she has also worked in other parts of the UK and Europe.
  • She is interested in the use of participatory methods and decision making for environmental management and frequently works with land managers and other stakeholders.


  • BiodivERsA Stakeholder Engagement Toolkit Case studies (Contract with JNCC, funded by BiodivERsA 2013-2014; Role: Principal Investigator
  • Shared Values Work Package, National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on (funded by DEFRA, Welsh Government, NERC, ESRC and AHRC 2012-2013; Role: post-doctoral research fellow)
  • Mapping, analysis and improved understanding of stakeholder groups to help sustain honey bee health (funded by DEFRA 2013; Role: post-doctoral research fellow)
  • Ecocycles: Interacting impacts of land use and climate changes on ecosystem processes (funded by NERC and EU Framework 6; 2009-2012; Role: post-doctoral research fellow)
  • HUNTing for sustainability (funded by European Commission FP7; 2009-2012; Role: post-doctoral research fellow)
  • Cairngorms Mink and Water Vole Project (funded by the Tubney Trust, SNH and Cairngorms National Park Authority; 2007-2009; Role: project manager/post-doctoral research fellow)
Staff Spotlight content

Staff Spotlight

Dr Rosalind Bryce is the Director at the Centre for Mountain Studies. She carries out research on applied conservation and environmental management at Scottish and European levels.

Originally an ecologist, Rosalind now works on interdisciplinary projects that consider the social dimension of how we manage our natural resources. Her recent research includes projects on deer management, land ownership, ecotourism and social innovations.

Alongside her research, Rosalind teaches on the online MSc in Sustainable Mountain Development and supervises postgraduate researchers. At the Centre for Mountain Studies, Rosalind enjoys working within a team who have wide research interests and enthusiasm for knowledge exchange and working with stakeholders.