Ben Leitch


HNC Fitness, Health and Exercise

I choose to come to UHI Perth, as I train at a high level in my sport wheelchair basketball, it was easier to fit all my training and other things in my life. The course is ideal as it gives me insight into things that can help me in my playing career as an athlete. It will also allow me to stay on and complete the HND, making me a fully qualified personal trainer by the end of the year.

The way of teaching is completely different to high school, which I enjoy. I feel that I am more engaged in all the course modules. I also feel that if I ever needed help with any of my work, I could approach any of my lecturers.

In addition to my studies, I play wheelchair basketball for Glasgow Rolling Rocks as well as being captain. I also play basketball for GB and I am in the Tier 1 Academy. In semester 2 I will be doing my student work placement at a gym in Perth.

After I finish studying, I want to play wheelchair basketball for Great Britain in the Paralympics - meaning that I would become a full-time professional athlete. I enjoy the nutritional side to exercise and fitness, so I may potentially take further study specialising in nutrition. I would also like to become a personal trainer.

My current studies have allowed me to gain key knowledge needed to progress. It has also prepared me for any further studies.

Advice I would you give to those considering studying is to apply for all the courses you want to go on. That then gives you options, then have a more in-depth look into each course and make an informed decision. My favourite things about UHI Perth is the course itself, the lecturers, and the overall environment of the course I am on.

Read more about Ben:
• Disability Sports Person of the Year Win with Small City Big Personality

ben in his wheelchair in the gym hall